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 This utility can be used to update the number of callers to your system.
 This number is stored in the message base file for the Main Board conference.
 To load PCBNum, change to the subdirectory where you installed PCBoard and
 type PCBNUM and press ENTER.  The following question will be asked:

 Location+Name of Main Messsage Base?

 Enter the drive, path, and filename of your Main Board message base.  If you
 are unsure of the location of this message base, abort the program by
 pressing CTRL-C and load PCBSetup to check the location of this file.  Next,
 enter the new number of callers that have called your system.  Once you have
 entered this number, the message base will be updated and your system will
 use the new number that you entered.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson